SEC May Approve Spot Bitcoin ETFs This Week, Intensifying Anticipation

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is expected to make a decision on the approval of spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) this week, potentially on Tuesday or Wednesday, according to a recent report. This news has created a wave of anticipation among market participants as major asset management firms rush to secure regulatory approval for the first-ever spot bitcoin ETFs in the U.S.

Prominent Asset Managers Update Filings

Leading asset management firms, such as Blackrock, Vaneck, Valkyrie, Bitwise, Invesco, Fidelity, Wisdomtree, and the Ark Invest/21shares joint venture, have all submitted revised filings with the SEC. The first deadline for the proposed spot bitcoin ETF by Ark Invest/21shares is January 10. Many individuals in the market expect the SEC to approve multiple spot bitcoin ETFs by this date.

According to Reuters, people familiar with the filing process have indicated that the SEC may notify issuers of their clearance to launch as early as next week.

Fee Structures and Seeding Plans

Fee structures for the potential spot bitcoin ETFs are also starting to take shape. Valkyrie has announced a management fee of 0.80%, which is in line with the proposed rate by Ark/21shares. Fidelity, on the other hand, aims to undercut the competition by offering a remarkably low management fee of 0.39% for its Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund. Invesco offers a fee of 0.59% with a six-month waiver for the first $5 billion in assets.

Bitwise, in its filing on Friday, revealed plans to seed its spot bitcoin ETF with $200 million, while Blackrock has announced its intention to seed its ETF with $10 million on January 3. Despite JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon's consistent negative stance on cryptocurrencies, Blackrock has named JPMorgan as a lead authorized participant for its ETF.

Will Spot Bitcoin ETFs Be Approved?

The big question now is whether the SEC will approve spot bitcoin ETFs ahead of the January 10 deadline. The market eagerly awaits the decision, as the approval of these ETFs could have a significant impact on the adoption and mainstream acceptance of bitcoin. What are your thoughts? Do you believe the SEC will give the green light to spot bitcoin ETFs? Let us know in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a gold IRA generate interest?

It depends on how many dollars you put into it. If your income is $100,000, then yes. You will not be able to answer if your income is less than $100,000

How much money you place in an IRA will determine how it earns interest.

You should consider opening a regular brokerage account instead if you put in more than $100,000 per year for retirement savings.

Although you'll likely earn higher interest, there are greater risks. It's not a good idea to lose all of the money you have invested in the stock exchange.

A IRA will be more beneficial if you can only contribute $100,000 annually. At least until the market starts growing again.

What is a Precious Metal IRA (IRA)?

Precious metals can be a good investment for retirement accounts. Precious metals have been around since Biblical times and still hold their value today. You can diversify your portfolio by investing in precious metals, such as gold, platinum, and silver.

Many countries also permit citizens to store money in foreign currencies. You can buy Canadian gold bars and keep them at home. Then, you can buy gold bars in Canada and sell them for Canadian dollars when your family is home.

This is a simple way to make investments in precious metals. It's especially useful for anyone who lives outside North America.

Can you keep precious metals inside an IRA

This depends on the IRA's owner's desire to diversify or keep his holdings in silver and gold.

If he does want to diversify, then there are two options available to him. He could either buy bars of physical gold and/or sterling from a dealer or simply sell these items back at the end. Imagine he doesn't desire to sell off his precious metals investments. He should keep them, as they are perfectly safe to be stored in an IRA account.


  • You can only purchase gold bars of at least 99.5% purity. (
  • The maximum yearly contribution to an individual's IRAs is currently $6,000 ($7,000 for those 50 years or older), or 100% of earned income, whichever is less. (
  • To qualify as IRA allowable precious metals and be accepted by STRATA, the following minimum fineness requirements must be met: Gold must be 99.5% pure, silver must be 99.9% pure, and platinum and palladium must both be 99.95% pure. (
  • Same tax rules as traditional IRA SEP IRA contributions in 2022 are limited to 25% of compensation or $66,000, whichever is less Before setting up a Silver IRA, understand the fees and IRS restrictions. (

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How To

IRA-Approved Precious Metals

IRA-approved valuable metals can be great investments. You have many options to diversify your portfolio, protect yourself against inflation, and from silver coins to gold bars, there are many.

There are two types of precious metal investment products. Physical bullion products such bars or coins are considered to be physical assets, as they exist in tangible form. On the other hand, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are financial instruments that track the price movements of an underlying asset, such as gold. ETFs work just like stock exchange stocks and can be bought directly by the company issuing them.

There are many types of precious metals that you can purchase. Silver and gold are frequently used for ornaments and jewelry making, while palladium and platinum are more often associated with luxury items. Palladium tends to hold its value better than platinum, which makes it ideal for industrial uses. While silver is used in industry, decorative uses are preferred over it.

Because of the costs involved in mining and refining raw material, physical bullion products can be more costly. They are safer than paper currencies, and offer buyers greater security. For example, consumers may lose confidence in the currency and look for alternatives when the U.S. dollar loses purchasing power. Physical bullion products on the other side do not depend upon trust between countries and companies. Instead, they are backed by governments and central banks, giving customers peace of mind.

Gold prices fluctuate based on supply and demand. When demand increases, the price rises; conversely, when supply exceeds demand, the price drops. Investors can profit from fluctuating gold prices by taking advantage of this dynamic. Physical bullion investors benefit because they have a greater return on their capital.

Precious metals are not affected by interest rate changes or economic recessions, unlike traditional investments. As long as demand remains strong, the price of gold will continue to rise. Precious metals, which are safe havens for times of uncertainty, are therefore considered to be safe havens.

The most well-known precious metals are:

  • Gold – It is the oldest form of precious metallic and is sometimes called “yellow material”. Although gold is a common household name, it is a very rare element found naturally underground. Most of the world’s gold reserves can be found in South Africa and Peru, Canada, Russia and China.
  • Silver – Silver, which is second in value after gold, is silver. Silver can be mined from naturally occurring deposits, much like gold. Unlike gold, however, silver is typically extracted from ore rather than from rock formations. Due to its durability and conductivity as well as its resistance to tarnishing it is widely used for commerce and industry. Over 98% of global silver production is produced in the United States.
  • Platinum – Platinum is the third-most valuable precious metal. It can be used to make high-end medical equipment, fuel cells, and catalytic converters. In dentistry, platinum is used to make bridges, crowns, and fillings.
  • Palladium: Palladium is the 4th most valuable precious metallic. Because of its strength as well as stability, its popularity is increasing rapidly among manufacturers. Palladium is also used in electronics, automobiles, aerospace, and military technology.
  • Rhodium – Rhodium has been ranked fifth among precious metals. Rhodium, although it is rare, is highly sought after for its use in automotive catalysts.
  • Ruthenium-Ruthenium is the sixth-most valuable precious metal. There are limited quantities of platinum and palladium. However, ruthenium is abundant. It is used in steel making, aircraft engines, and chemical manufacturing.
  • Iridium- Iridium, the seventh most precious precious metal, is also known as Iridium. Iridium has a significant role in satellite technology. It is used for the construction of satellites with orbital capabilities that transmit television signals and other communications.
  • Osmium: Osmium is eighth most valuable precious metallic. Osmium has a high resistance to extreme temperatures, which is why it is used frequently in nuclear reactors. Osmium is also used to make jewelry, medicine, and cutting tools.
  • Rhenium: Rhenium ranks as the ninth-most valuable precious metal. Rhenium is used to refining oil and natural gas, in semiconductors, and rocketry.
  • Iodine — Iodine has the highest value of all precious metals. Iodine's uses include radiography, photography and pharmaceuticals.


By: Kevin Helms
Title: SEC May Approve Spot Bitcoin ETFs This Week, Intensifying Anticipation
Sourced From:
Published Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2024 04:30:24 +0000

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