SEC Commissioner Caroline A. Crenshaw Dissents Against Approval of Spot Bitcoin ETFs

Concerns Raised by Commissioner Caroline A. Crenshaw

Commissioner Caroline A. Crenshaw has expressed her dissent against the recent approval of spot bitcoin ETFs by the SEC. In her statement, she highlights several concerns related to market manipulation, concentration of bitcoin ownership, and the inadequacy of current regulatory measures in safeguarding investor interests.

Market Manipulation Risks

Commissioner Crenshaw raises concerns about the underlying global spot markets for bitcoin, which she believes are susceptible to fraud and manipulation. She points to instances such as the alleged manipulation of bitcoin prices by the former CEO of FTX to benefit himself. Additionally, she mentions the recent hacking of an SEC social media account, which led to a false announcement of spot bitcoin ETFs and resulted in volatile bitcoin prices. These incidents, according to Crenshaw, indicate the potential for market manipulation.

Concentration of Bitcoin Ownership

Crenshaw also highlights the concentration of bitcoin ownership as a concern. She argues that this concentration leaves bitcoin investors, including spot bitcoin ETP investors, vulnerable to the whims and trading practices of a few individuals. Analysis shows that mining and holdings of bitcoin are highly concentrated, further exacerbating this concern.

Inadequate Investor Protection

The commissioner questions the effectiveness of the approved rule changes in protecting investors due to the susceptibility of spot bitcoin markets to manipulation and the lack of adequate oversight. She criticizes the correlation analysis used in the recent Grayscale vs. SEC case, stating that it is insufficient to justify the approval of spot bitcoin ETPs. Crenshaw points out the significant differences in investor protection between futures and spot bitcoin ETPs, emphasizing the need for clearer guidelines and more reliable data.

Recreating the Financial System

Crenshaw also raises broader concerns about the cryptocurrency ecosystem. She questions the tendency to recreate the existing financial system with less regulation and more risk, deviating from the original ideals of Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer, censorship-resistant digital currency. She fears that closely linking Bitcoin to the traditional financial system may not serve the interests of investors and could potentially inflate the prices of these investment products.

What are your thoughts on Commissioner Crenshaw's concerns? Share your opinions in the comments section below.


How To

How to Buy Physical Gold in An IRA

An easy way to invest gold is to buy shares from gold-producing companies. This method is not without risks. There's no guarantee these companies will survive. Even if the company survives, they still face the risk of losing their investment due to fluctuations in gold's price.

Another option is to purchase physical gold. You'll need to open a bank account, buy gold online from a trusted seller, or open an online bullion trading account. The advantages of this option include the ease of access (you don't need to deal with stock exchanges) and the ability to make purchases when prices are low. It is also easier to check how much gold you have stored. The receipt will show exactly what you paid. You'll also know if taxes were not paid. There's also less chance of theft than investing in stocks.

However, there can be some downsides. You won't be able to benefit from investment funds or interest rates offered by banks. You won't have the ability to diversify your holdings; you will be stuck with what you purchased. Finally, the taxman may ask you about where you have put your gold.

If you'd like to learn more about buying gold in an IRA, visit the website of today!


By: David Sencil
Title: SEC Commissioner Caroline A. Crenshaw Dissents Against Approval of Spot Bitcoin ETFs
Sourced From:
Published Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 09:00:57 +0000

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